Ok so my sweet Daniel has been working crazy shifts at the Duke E.R.. We only have 1 car (for the moment) so sometimes I'm stuck at home! My friends have been life savers lately and have been making sure I get out and do stuff. As much as I LOVE binge watching on Netflix, I'm so grateful for them! So this past Sunday, Daniel worked the day shift which meant I wouldn't have a way of getting to church. But lo and behold, one of my friends said that her and her husband were going to pick me up and force me to come to church (note: I like church! But sometimes a lazy Sunday sounds amazing). Anyways she told me she would be at my house at 8:30am. I snoozed through my alarm all the way until 8:15am and freaked out! I got ready in record time and was out the door by 8:30am! Wahoo!!
Aaaand with that story, here is a 15 minute OOTD. Messy, wavy hair, lipstick, print dress, and colorful shoes. Done!

I snagged this dress from Banana Republic. You can get check out their dresses here. Or check out a similar one at asos, here.
I bought this statement necklace from a local shop in Utah years ago! I'm so bummed that I can't remember where I bought it. We love local businesses! I will remember some day and report!
And you can never go wrong with pink pumps! You can read all about my love of pink (and where I got these shoes) here.Also, Milo turned 3 months old today! My baby is growing up! Thats probably the real reason you're reading this post! Puppies are so cute!!
So enjoy these black and white pictures of baby Milo. Long live King Milo!
Sleepy puppy FTW! (now you know!)
Lets face it. Dogs > Humans.
HBD, Milo
Xoxo, Andrea