Exfoliate That Face! | Andie Ibanez

Exfoliate That Face!

So lately I've been kind of naughty with my face cleansing routine. Life got super busy with trips, work, and school! But I'm back on track and I can thank my Olay Facial Cleansing System. It also doubles as a Microdermabrasion system. You're exfoliating to gently remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells. Its super easy to use and it gives me options! I'm seriously obsessed with this kit!

  It comes with:

3 Speed Facial Cleansing System
Microdermabrasion Foam Head
Cleansing Brush Head
Thermal Crystal Polisher
Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser
Aaaand batteries! Wahoo!

On Olay's website you can buy it for $49.99 + shipping OR you can buy it on Amazon for $33.99 plus free shipping! You don't even have to have Amazon Prime for this sweet deal. Check it out Here.

So here's what you do:

Step one: Wash your face 
Step two: Apply a dime size amount of either the Thermal Crystal Polisher (Micro-foam head) or the Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser (brush head)
Step three: Choose either the Microdermabrasion foam head or the brush head 
Note: Only use the Micro-foam head twice a week. You can use the brush head everyday day!
Step four: Rinse yo' face! And you're done!

Compared to other Microdermabrasion kits this one is a sweet deal. It's essentially a two-in-one and your face will feel AMAZING! Trust me:) Give it a try!

Xoxo, Andrea

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