Andrea & Marie's Dresslink Wish List | Andie Ibanez

Andrea & Marie's Dresslink Wish List

Raise your hand if you love online shopping!

One of my favorite things to do is create wish lists at my favorite online shops. Daniel likes it because it makes buying presents for me so much easier. Its also pretty great therapy! Some of my favorite "nights in" consist of online shopping with Daniel and some Taco Bell by my side.

You also know how much Marie and I LOVE good deals. Well, we found this site that is similar to AliExpress (which we blogged about here). It's called Dresslink! They are all about cute, trendy clothes and accessories for an amazing price!  Aaaand we're all about that!
So we thought we'd share two of our favorite things from our Dresslink wish list with you!

1. THIS bag!! 
So classy and adorable. Oh and its only $6.99! Um, yes please!
I'm loving it in every color!
 This purple is seriously perfect!
 And this black one is so classic!
You can buy it here.  For $6.99 I really need one in every color!

2. THIS skirt!!
Marie fell in love with this gem right away!
This midi skirt is the perfect length and color! 
Its an all around winner! So cute!!

You can buy the same one for $10!! Did I mention the skirt ships for free? I know you want one now! You can buy the same one here. 

 There are so many other cute clothing and accessories on their site! You could spend hours creating your perfect wish list! So trust us on this one and check out!

Happy online shopping!

Xoxo, Andrea

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