Today is mine and Daniel's 4 year anniversary!
Let's go back in time for a second.
January 20, 2011.
I met a kind boy with rosy cheeks.
It was a normal day. I was going into one of the student government offices like I normally do. Except this time was different. I walked into the office and saw him. He was sitting, I was standing so I didn't know how tall he was. The first thing I noticed were his rosy cheeks. Then I thought he looked kind of young. Like my age young. I smiled and quickly introduced myself.
"Hi! I don't think I've met you! I'm Andrea!"
We talked for a second and he asked me if I was going to the council retreat the next day. I told him I was. But then I realized the time and that I needing to get to class. My friends in the office suggested that we all go to the food court and get sushi. I have never wanted to ditch class more than I did that day. But I really needed to go so I took a raincheck and ran to class. I had to make a pit stop along the way and ended up walking right past the group getting sushi. I ran to say "hi!" and in true girl fashion "love you!" to all my girlfriends. Daniel was the only guy with them so I also said "Love you Dan!" and giggled before running to class.
January 21, 2011.
The Bachelor.
It was Friday, the day of the retreat. I was so excited to spend time with my friends and get to know this boy I had a little crush on already. It was an over night retreat so I new we'd all have a blast together. We went to dinner and then snow tubing at Soldier Hollow. They have a rope tow that pulls you and your tube up the hill. We all went down and up the hill so many times - in pairs, by ourselves and in groups. I loved going up and down with Daniel. We talked about music a lot. I really enjoyed talking to him... but so did everyone else. You see, this retreat had a million single ladies and only one eligible bachelor. The other two were engaged and married. So I saw Daniel go up and down with lots of girls that night. They were all my friends, so I wasn't upset. I will admit I was starting to think he was a player!
But that night something happened.
We were playing games until late and then settled in our sleeping bags for a movie. My best friend, Lindsay, invited Daniel to set up his sleeping bag by ours (thanks, girl!) which he did. After everyone was asleep, I woke up because my tummy was hurting. I rolled over only to see Daniel reading a pocket sized Book of Mormon with his cell phone light. That's when I knew he was different. That's when I knew he was special.
January 22, 2011.
The move.
The next day we had breakfast and lots of training before we packed up and headed back to UVU. When we were getting close to school Daniel asked for my number in front of everyone! I was so excited, that is until he asked every other girl for her number as well...
January 2011.
Then texted me.
I asked him what he was up to.
He said we should hang out.
I told him I was going ice skating with my family but he could come if he wanted.
He said yes.
Our first date/hang out was with my whole family... it even ended up with a family movie in my moms room. That's not weird at all, right?
From there we hung out every moment we could. Mind you I was 19 when I met him and I had "sworn off" men a few weeks before I met him. I told myself I wasn't going to date for a while and just work on myself. Sound familiar? Before I met Daniel, I had a long string of boyfriends/guys that lasted a few weeks to a few months. So come January, I just wanted a break from dating. But of course, I met Prince Charming soon after I said all of that.
February 12, 2011
The Kiss.
Up until this point, Daniel and I had hung out a million times. He had met all of my family already - what? we're an open family! However, we didn't hold hands or kiss or even go on an actual date. This was the first time that had happened to me. Usually a guy and I would hook up like right away (sorry mom and dad if you're reading this.) but really, that's college for you. He finally asked me on a legit date. We went to dinner at a Peruvian restaurant and then to the BYU Art Museum. At the museum, I wanted to make a move so he knew I was into him. So I leaned my head on his shoulder while we were sitting and looking at a painting. Then when we were standing up, I reached for his hand the same time that he reached for mine. My heart was beating a million beats per second!
Later that night we were chatting pretty close on the sofa. Our chemistry was crazy! I wanted to kiss him so bad but was waiting for him to make a move. Finally, I just went for it. I straight up kissed him first. Side note: Ladies, if you want something... go for it!!
February - April 2011
We hung out, went on dates and got to know each other more the next few months. With help from my other best friend, Amanda, Daniel took things to the next level and went big to celebrate our 2 month dating anniversary. It was one of the most romantic nights of my life - but that story is for another time.
May 6, 2011
Daniel Proposes.
February 11, 2012
Almost 9 months since Daniel proposes for the first time (thats a story for another time as well) we finally get married. I say finally because in Utah, a typical engagement last 3-4 months.
February 11th was a beautiful and exciting day. As we were kneeling at the alter in the Salt Lake City Temple, I remember thinking there was no way I could love this man more than I do right now.
Well fast forward to today and I could not have been more wrong. My love for him grows strong each and every day. I wake up every morning thinking I am the luckiest girl in the world. In my eyes there is no one more perfect than my Daniel. He is my warmth and my light. He is my everything.
Ladies and gentlemen, the newlyweds!
This is where we got married!
Daniel wrote me a song that he performed at our wedding in front of hundreds of guests.
We pretty much couldn't control the PDA.

Our first dance.
And they lived happily ever after...
February 11, 2016
4 year anniversary! The year of Fruits and Flowers! My two favorite things! Daniel took care of the fruit. More pics to come!
Xoxo - Andie