The website compiles all information regarding items & selling price from and organizes it for you. Let me show you what I mean...
When you initially go to the site, it will look something like this...
You can utilize the search bar to look for any product you'd like. If the product has been around on Amazon long enough to have information, it will present a fabulous graph with the pricing statistics it has been through. It will show you the highest price, lowest price and current price so that you know when to buy it and if you're wasting your money.
Let me give you an example. Let's say you've been dying to buy a LED Lamp for gel nails. You can simply look up on Amazon the specific LED Lamp you're interested in, copy the URL and paste it into the search bar on CamelCamelCamel. After you do this and press enter, CamelCamelCamel will show you all of the information and statistics regarding this product.
Now, if you scroll down you will see a graph that displays the trends in pricing throughout the last year. You can see which month the pricing plummeted as well as which month the seller was trying to get the most out of buyers.
Right below the chart is my favorite information... The highest price, lowest price and current price. For this product, the lowest price is the SAME as the current price ($99.00). That means that right now would be a fabulous time to purchase this product. It also shows that the highest price it has been listed for was $144.94 and this was in May of 2015.
Now, with most products it is likely that the current price and the lowest price won't be the same amount the moment you look at it. Here's another example... My husband and I are obsessed with quirky, disney shows. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was hilarious and we were determined to purchase it, just not when it was $25.00.
So first, I went to and searched the movie, found it on Blu-Ray the way I wanted it, and copied the Amazon URL to paste into CamelCamelCamel's search engine. Here's a look at what came up.
As you can see, the lowest price was in March ($13.00) and now it is back up to $18.99. This is where Camel Tracking can come in handy. Right above the graph, you can have them track your item and request to be informed when your product drops in price.
As you can see, I put my desired price as $13.65. That means CamelCamelCamel will notify me when the product on Amazon drops to or below this price. Also, this item will be added to my tracked items which means I can keep track of it and always see what price it is at whenever I pull up
Are you in love?! I sure was. Never again am I buying a product off of Amazon before checking it out on camelcamelcamel!!
Xoxo, Marie