Are ya'll ready for the cheapest and easiest 2ft by 3ft photo display?! Well I'm here to give you all the details on how you can do it at home for CHEAP!!! I originally got the idea from this blog, but I changed up a few things because I didn't want to deal with Mod Podge.

What you need:
Flat Corner Braces (You can find these SUPER cheap online!)
Wood Panels (Two at 34", Two at 19")
Moving Tape (or another type, but this worked aaamazingly for me)
Engineering Print from Staples (3ft x 2ft is LESS than $4)
You will DEFINITELY want them to pre-cut your would. They are happy to do this for you at Home Depot and all you need to do is grab your wood panel(s) and ask an associate for the help. As stated above, you'll have two @ 34" and two at 19". I've totally done my fair share of bringing the wood home and then trying to cut it myself... DON'T!! They'll do it for you!!!

First thing you are going to do is place the 34" long ways and place the 19" piece inside the corner. Then you'll grab your flat corner brackets. You'll go ahead and screw these panels into place, connecting them all into a beautiful rectangle!

The brackets are rather easy to screw into place. You'll want it strong and sturdy, but you certainly don't need to to be perfect!! Once this is done, you're ready to grab your engineering print from Staples.

You'll take your print and place it face-down, on the table underneath your frame. Make sure you have an even amount of space on the outside of the frame on all sides.

Once this is done, you'll simply grab the print and fold it over onto the panel. Then tape it into place with your moving tape. I usually do about 5 inches at a time, except on the corners.

The corners are just like wrapping a present. Fold the side in, then take the tip of the corner and tape it into place on the board.

A simple fold is just enough to keep it tightly in place!

Once you've taped all sides and corners into place, you're DONE!

Seriously, such an easy and cheap DIY! If you're interested in having it done in color, its a little more expensive, but I'm sure it would look amazing! Can't wait for you to pick out your favorite photo to have in your home!!
Xoxo, Marie