Most of you probably don't know but Milo totally has his own Instagram account! I noticed pretty much every picture I posted on my private account was of him so instead of filling everyone's feed with pictures of my little pup, I made his own account and people can choose to follow or not:) I'm surprised by how many dogs have their own Instagram accounts. Its been so fun to follow different dogs and meet new people! You can find and follow him
Warning. He's really cute and your heart may melt a little.
Ok so I'll let Milo tell you all about his holiday...
Milo: Hi friends! This was my first Christmas and boy did I love it! First, its important to note that my parents kinda love every holiday - so they get pretty into it.
For starters, here I am in a stocking. I actually didn't mind it at all. I kind of love the attention.
Also, I met Santa! To be honest, I wasn't a huge fan. I was actually pretty scared!

Here I am cosplaying Darth Vader and celebrating Star Wars with my two favorite toys. What can I say, I'm kind of a bad boy.
Oh this was the worst day of Christmas break.... my first haircut. Hard pass.
Visiting my Great Grandma & Grandpa Lisi in Pennsylvania! I sure loved snuggling with them. Grandma's hugs were amazing and Grandpa even snuck me some chicken! Don't tell my mom!
Christmas Eve Jammies! I was really tired here and mom made me take a picture.
I had to guard my Christmas gifts! Just kidding. But I did get in trouble for trying to open them early...
I loved opening my gifts. I totally knew what to do! My Grandma Susy and my Aunt Natalia got to see me open my presents! I love technology!
The next few days were spent in my elf jammies. My mom and dad have matching ones too!
A lot of my holiday was spent taking naps on my mom's shoulder.
I also went on hikes and walks with my parents. It was 70+ degrees the entire break!

But overall, my first Christmas was magical! I got so many gifts from aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents and I loved spending so much time with my mom and dad!!
Happy Holidays!
Love: Milo