Getting Your Sweat On!... at Home! | Andie Ibanez

Getting Your Sweat On!... at Home!

Updated with a few more links at the bottom:)

Working out at home is a great alternative to getting a gym pass. Although, if you have a gym pass its still a great alternative if you need to be home for whatever reason! You really don't need equipment, but from my experience it doesn't hurt to get the following: Yoga mat and 5 lb. (or 2 lb.) weights.
There are a lot of guides out on the internet, however some of them are kinda pricey. Also, if you're unfamiliar with the exercise then you spend most of your time trying to figure out how to do it (instead of doing it!).  So I've compiled my 4 favorite methods of working out from home. Enjoy!

Yoga with Adrien - "A happy and successful online yoga community, which creates free creative content to inspire people of all shapes and sizes to connect to their body daily. Adriene approaches health and wellness with a playfulness and even a sense of humor that encourages all personalities to the mat." I love love love her! I look forward to yoga days and really enjoy her style of teaching. she's not your stereotypical Yogi (not that it would be a bad thing), she just seems like your friend. She has content for all skill levels and I always feel challenged! 

The Abs Diet for Women - The New York Times bestseller now adapted specifically for women, shows how to achieve a flat stomach and great shape in just 6 weeks, and stay lean and healthy for life." So this book is game changing. It has complete recipes, shopping lists, very detailed work out plans, and fabulous health and wellness reading. It really is the best! And the best part is, they are super inexpensive. I'm talking $5 or less! They have a newer version which is probably more like $15 or so but the original is just as good in my opinion. Get your copy ASAP!!

Hulu! - Most people don't know it but Hulu has loads of work out videos! Its just under their Health & Wellness section. So right after you catch up on the Bachelorette you can do a little core fusion body sculpt. 

YouTube - There are TONS of free workout videos on YouTube. I've done my fair share. The variety is great - because its YouTube, obvs! 
Here are a few of my favorites:

I know not everything works for everyone so hopefully this gives you some ideas as to what works best for you! Remember, its not about being "beach body ready" its about owning your health and being (and feeling like) the best you!

Xoxo, Andrea

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